Training the Singing Voice - online book

An exploration of the theories, methods & techniques of Voice training.

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24                         TRAINING THE SINGING VOICE
singing "must nearly always be the core of the school music work" at all age levels. It is therefore presumed that teaching singing (audits corre­lative voice training) would begin in early childhood at the elementary school age. [413, p. 278] Novello-Davies would have voice culture taught "as soon as one commences to think." [430, p. 31]
How long to study? Opinions vary as to the length of time it takes to train the singing voice. La Forest believes that building a voice is largely a matter of muscle training. Therefore voice building should not take any longer than any other type of muscle training program. [326, p. 134] Shaw claims that some type of persistent and continuous vocal training? is always necessary, even in the case of the "natural singer." [537] "To sing well . . . requires a great deal more than mere voice," says Chal-"iapin. [95] **Innate talent" is called for, rather than "natural vocal equip­ment." [Stanley. 573; 578] In short, singing requires years of hard work and patient study. Obviously, there is no short cut, even "when nature is lavish with her gifts." [Allen 7, p. 10]
"Bo you know why singing is a lost art?" asks BergeYe. It is because, nowadays, voice students refuse to study long enough. Hurry and impa­tience are the besetting sins of the vocal teaching profession. [45] Sa-moiloff also blames "the commercial attitude" and the lack of patience of so many pupils fee the dearth of good singers today. [483] Byers be­lieves that it takes at least three years to train a voice properly, the cri­terion of accomplishment being a so-called "artistic lever* of perform­ance. (See Chapter X.) [89] Henley would stretch the period of vocal training to five years. [252] He adds that the old Italian masters could impart their entire singing method in a half hour of instruction, but it might take a pupil five or six years to learn to apply it properly. [253] Lauritz MelcMor advises staying with one teacher as long as possible since much time is wasted in the voice building program by having each new teacher "begin by tearing down some of the structure you already have built." [388]
Educational objectives are the purposes, standards or goals to be real­ized through the application of systematic teaching procedures. Gen-eml objectives are the desired ultimate results of a system of training, as broadly viewed. Specific objectives are the results to be expected from the various techniques and intermediate processes of instruction employed to achieve a general objective, pictionary of Education 706] The opin­ions of 23 authors are summarized in this area.